
Hello! This is the crux of the website - the Writings section! Currently not much in it, but yanno, good things come to those who wait (and those who figure out how to use html/css effectively).

I'm a firm believer that these pieces work better when spoken aloud by yours truly (probably because I have a fear of being misunderstood and speaking them gives me the most control over how they are perceived/received), but as an archive, this will do.

Find some of my writings at the links below:

  • Fav: The Second Mother.
  • 1. Flux and Flow
  • 2. Confines
  • 3. Mountain Ash
  • 4. Good Byes
  • 5. Dec '24 Pt. 1
  • 6. Grief
  • 7. Teachings 2
  • 8. Down Bad
  • 9.Lichen
  • 10.Teachings 1
  • 11. Robins
  • ©repth