
Dec '24 Pt. 1

I’m not sure how to be me anymore. I’m not sure I know who that is. The trouble with straying from your comfort zone only comes when you look around and realise you don’t know how to get back. The outer parts of the forest of your heart seemed lit up with fireflies and ripe for exploring, but now, as the lights (Still Bright – Flicker, Shimmer) lose their allure, you discover the way back is not so well lit. The tracks are covered in bracken and ivy that didn’t seem to be there before – or was it?

Surely the journey here wasn’t such a struggle. But as you come-to from your desire-driven daze, you begin to register the nicks and bruises. Some parts of you fared better than others; arms reaching forward – reaching, always reaching – came off worst. You begin to see that there are a lot of things you’ve neglected so that you can stand where you are right now. You begin to wonder if it was worth it. You begin to wonder why you left in the first place.


  • for Dec '24 Pt. 2 - 'Rebuttal, Or Response'